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Talent Show Audition/Show

Rules and Requirements

  • All audition forms must be submitted ONLINE only, no later than Monday, January 27th, 2020. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS about this deadline.

  • Each audition act is limited to a maximum performance time of THREE minutes, and THIRTY seconds (3 1⁄2 minutes). However, judges could stop any audition at anytime after the first minute of performance.

  • Only music, lyrics, dress, and acts appropriate for elementary-age audiences will be permitted.

  • If you are PLAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, you must bring your own instrument with accessories.

  • You can audition for up to two (2) different acts. Two (2) different acts can be:

    • Auditioning for two (2) different categories (dancing, singing, instrument, other talent).

    • Or, auditioning in the same category, but one as SOLO and another one as GROUP.

    • You must submit an application for each act.

  • If you are singing or using a music track in a language other than English or Spanish. you must submit a certified translation in English by a teacher, staff member, or professional translator.

  • Auditions will be held on February 5th-6th at 2:30pm in the School Cafeteria, and each Category will be assigned as followed:

    • Feb. 5th: Dancing, Instruments, and Other Talents (solo & group performances).

    • Feb.6th: Singing/vocal (solo or group performances).

  • The Talent Show will be held on Saturday, March 14th at 2:30pm in the School Cafeteria.

  • Students participating in the Talent Show might be photographed, video-recorded, and included in one or all of the following: school newsletter, school social media, web and printed publications. 



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