Talent Show Audition/Show
Rules and Requirements
All audition forms must be submitted ONLINE only, no later than Monday, January 27th, 2020. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS about this deadline.
Each audition act is limited to a maximum performance time of THREE minutes, and THIRTY seconds (3 1⁄2 minutes). However, judges could stop any audition at anytime after the first minute of performance.
Only music, lyrics, dress, and acts appropriate for elementary-age audiences will be permitted.
If you are PLAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, you must bring your own instrument with accessories.
You can audition for up to two (2) different acts. Two (2) different acts can be:
Auditioning for two (2) different categories (dancing, singing, instrument, other talent).
Or, auditioning in the same category, but one as SOLO and another one as GROUP.
You must submit an application for each act.
If you are singing or using a music track in a language other than English or Spanish. you must submit a certified translation in English by a teacher, staff member, or professional translator.
Auditions will be held on February 5th-6th at 2:30pm in the School Cafeteria, and each Category will be assigned as followed:
Feb. 5th: Dancing, Instruments, and Other Talents (solo & group performances).
Feb.6th: Singing/vocal (solo or group performances).
The Talent Show will be held on Saturday, March 14th at 2:30pm in the School Cafeteria.
Students participating in the Talent Show might be photographed, video-recorded, and included in one or all of the following: school newsletter, school social media, web and printed publications.